- Structure of the website
- head, body, text
- gives you control, but slows down authoring
- ex…
<div> </div>
if you do not have a close tag the web page will not render
<html> duckett
Chapter 18- Process and Design
Every site should be designed for target audience, so consider the characteristics of this audience
ex. education, marital status, occupation,
- Now consider why people are visiting!
- what are there key motivations and/or goals and what information would they need from the website?
- they may visit often so constant updates may be required
Term | Definition |
site map | diagram of the pages |
card sorting | placing each piece of info on a paper then organizing into related groups |
- a simple sketch of they key information needed for each page.
- may include logos, links, policies, conditions,
- all must be prioritized in a specific order into blocks and chunks for visual reference
Visual Hierarchy elements
- size, color, style, consistency, headings
grouping and similarity
- proximity, closure, continuance, white space, color, borders
Chapter 1- Structure
- To start a webpage, go to textedit and begin
Term | Usage |
<body> </body> | everything in this element is shown inside main browser |
<head> </head> | before body element, contains about and |
included with <head> |
Chapter 17- HTML5 Layout
- most content is inside <div> element
main header
<h1>Yoko's Kitchen</h1>
<li><a href="" class="current">home</a></li> <li><a href="">classes</a></li>
<li><a href="">catering</a></li>
<li><a href="">about</a></li>
<li><a href="">contact</a></li>
the <nav> </nav> element is to contain the navigational blocks on the site
the <article> </article> element acts as a container for sections of a page that can stand alone (if a page has several articles then one would separate them by using this element)
element has two purposes whether it is inside <article> or not
- when <aside> is inside an *<article>, it contains info related to article but not essential to overall meaning
- when <aside> is not inside an *<article>, it is a container for content related to the page (contains links to other sections of the site, related posted, search box, etc.)
groups related content together and each would have its own heading
<section class="popular-recipes">
<h2>Popular Recipes</h2>
<a href="">Yakitori (grilled chicken)</a>
<a href="">Tsukune (minced chicken patties)</a> <a href="">Okonomiyaki (savory pancakes)</a> <a href="">Mizutaki (chicken stew)</a>
<section class="contact-details">
<h2>Contact</h2> <p>Yoko's Kitchen<br />
27 Redchurch Street<br /> Shoreditch<br />
London E2 7DP</p>
is to group together a set of one or more <h1> to <h6> elements so they are one single heading
or for images, videos, graphs, diagrams, etc in referencing them - section elements by using <div>
<div class="wrapper">
<h1>Yoko's Kitchen</h1>
<!-- nav content here -->
<section class="courses">
<!-- section content here -->
<!-- aside content here -->
<!-- footer content here -->
</div><!-- .wrapper -->
- allows authors to place an element around a block level element that contains child elements
Chapter 8- Extra Markup
due to several versions of html, each web page should start with (!DOCTYPE html>) to tell the browser which version to use
- if you want to add a comment to code it is
- ID attributes is allows for style and no two elements can have the same attribute
- class attribute is used to identify several elements
- block elements start a new line including h1, p, ul, li
- inline elements for keep words organized? a, b, em, img
- grouping text and elements in a block is div.
<div id="header">
<img src="images/logo.gif" alt="Anish Kapoor" /> <ul>
<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="biography.html">Biography</a></li> <li><a href="works.html">Works</a></li>
<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>
</div><!-- end of header -->
- grouping text and elements inline is < span > (differentiates a text counterpart)
iframe is a window in a page where you can see another page like for displaying maps
- meta displays information about your page