- Javascript gives your site functionality
- Object-oriented language
- uses variables, loops, functions, and data to perform things
Duckett pages 43-69
- uses variables, loops, functions, and data to perform things
- html is content layer .html
- css is presentation layer .css
- javascript is behavior layer .js
How to Use Objects and Methods
- document.write(‘Good afternoon!’);
- consists of an object, member operator, and method with parameters
- javascript runs where found in the html
- < script > element causes JS to stop and check if it needs to do anything, it tells the browser to load the JS file
- a script is a series of instructions that a computer can follow, each step is a statement
- JS is case-sensitive
- a statement is individual instruction and each one should start on a new line and end with a ;
- statements surrounded by curly braced are code blocks
- these contain a statement and may be grouped together
- write comments to explain code
- multi line comments are pink, to comment = /* */
- single-line comments are gray, to comment = //
- javascript code is green
-a script will have to store information to do its job, use variables to do so
Variables and how to declare them
- var quantity;
- var is the keyword and the quantity is the variable name
once assigned a variable, you can tell it information or assign value
- var quantity;
- quantity= 3;
Data types
- numeric data (no comma and there is decimals)
- string data (letters and other characters closed by single or double quotes)
- boolean data (ewither true or false or on and off)
- miscelleaneous–> arrays, objects, undefined, and null -escaping is done by using a backwards slash \ before any quote mark appears within a string… It tells the interpreter that the character is part of the string not the end
shorthands for creating variables
- variables declared then values are assigned in statement
var price =5; var quantity =14; var total =price*quantity;
- three variables are declared on the same line, then values are assigned to each
var price, quantity, total;
price =5;
quantity= 14;
total =price * quantity;
- two variables are declared and assigned values on the same line. Then one is declared and assigned a value on the next line
var price =5, quantity =14;
var total = price * quantity;
Changing the value of a variable
- you do not need to use var to assign a new value
- just use the variable name, the = sign, and the new value
OLD–> instock= true; NEW –> instock=false;
Important Rules for Naming Variables
- the name must start with a letter, $, or _, and it cannot start with a number
- the name can contain these afterwords, but you must not use a - or . in a variable name.
- you cannot use keywords or reserved words.
- all variables are case sensitive
- use a name that describes the kind of info that the variable stores to add js file into html –>